If you have any other ideas on self care for new parents, feel free to leave them in the comments for others looking for ideas
A water jug is a new mom’s best friend when it comes to keeping things clean down there postpartum. (Any tearing or incisions will make it difficult to wipe after delivery.) Simply fill it with warm water and pour to cleanse yourself after using the toilet or while peeing to dilute the urine if you have any burning or discomfort.
Sore breasts when your milk comes in or when you stop breastfeeding are no joke. Cabbage leaves are a fantastic thing for sore breasts. They cup the breasts naturally and relieve inflammation. Put the leaves in the fridge or freezer ( don't freeze fully) and put them inside your bra.
Put a list on your fridge of all the chores that need to be done around the house, keep it updated and put your visitors to work!
Take some time to be on your own. Whether it is to go for a walk, have a bath or just sit by yourself. You will need to make time to be by yourself or you might feel yourself getting overwhelmed. Let someone else watch the baby for half an hour and go relax. Clear your head and then you will be fresh and ready for round 2......or 10 <3